JPG to PNG Converter

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JPG to PNG Converter is a fast and reliable online tool used by individuals to convert images from Joint Photographic Experts Group to Portable Network Graphics format after applying the proper compression methods. As we know PNG and JPG files are both image formats and they are very similar in that they both contain image data such as photographs. However each one has a distinct identity. Files that end in .PNG are image files specifically designed for lossless transmission over the web and lack certain attributes that would make them good to use for print specifically lacking support for CMYK color spaces. PNG files are designed to look great on computer monitors and smartphones not on paper. Meanwhile files that end in .JPG or .JPEG are a bit different. JPG files unlike PNG files are compressed which creates some degree of image quality loss.

How Do I Use JPG to PNG Converter?

Click on Choose Files or Upload button and upload the JPG file to be converted. Once the file has been uploaded from your storage select PNG as the format to be converted to Click on Convert and wait for your result to be delivered.