
HTML to Markdown

HTML to Markdown Converter

HTML also known as Hyper Text Markup Language can be converted to markdown markup language with this amazing converter. After conversion the markdown code can be saved and shared. Bloggers are currently making use of markdown frequently to create blogs using the Hugo framework as well as Readme files in Github. Users can create HTML and use this converter for markdown conversations.

The Features of HTML to Markdown Converter

HTML to Markdown works to convert HTML data to Markdown language. It gives room for HTML URL loading in order to convert to Markdown. This tool allows HTML file loading which automatically converts to Markdown. To achieve this simply enter the upload button and select the file. HTML to Markdown is compatible with MAC Windows Linux Firefox Chrome Edge and Safar among others.

How to Convert HTML to Markdown

Open the HTML to Markdown converter and copy and paste the needed HTML code in the provided box. For available files upload the files with the provided upload button enter the URL button and paste the URL. Enter the HTML to Markdown button with working internet. Download save or share the converted markdown.

How HTML to Markdown Converter Works

The HTML to Markdown Converter makes use of JavaScript libs for Conversion. To achieve this paste the HTML code and enter HTML into Markdown. This converter does not send any form of code to the server during conversion. For file upload the browser reads the inserted file and for URL upload it sends the URL to the server and sends back HTML data and then a converted Markdown.

Example of HTML

HTML Try it.

<h1>h1 State Farm 😎</h1>
<h2>h2 Berkshire Hathaway</h2>
<h3>h3 Progressive Group</h3>
<h4>h4 Liberty Mutual</h4>
<h5>h5 Allstate</h5>
<h6>h6 Travelers Group</h6>

Converted Markdown

h1 State Farm 😎

h2 Berkshire Hathaway

### h3 Progressive Group

#### h4 Liberty Mutual

##### h5 Allstate

###### h6 Travelers Group

For Advanced Users

HTML External URL

Load HTML External URL in Browser URL like this https://www.fancytextconverter.com/html-to-markdown?url=external-url

HTML Data as Parameter

Load HTML Data in Browser URL input like this https://www.fancytextconverter.com/html-to-markdown?input=inputdata


h1 StateFarm😎


>h3 ProgressiveGroup

h4 LibertyMutual

6>h6 TravelersGroup

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