

CSS to LESS Converter Online

CSS to LESS Converter Online is a unique tool that works to convert plain CSS to LESS. After this conversion this tool allows for the saving and sharing of the converted files.

The Features of the CSS to LESS Converter

Cascading Style Sheets to Leaner Style Sheets Converter works to convert CSS to LESS easily. It gives room for CSS URL loading which automatically converts to LESS. To achieve this simply enter the URL and submit. CSS to LESS allows for CSS File loading which then transforms to LESS. CSS to LESS Converter is compatible with MAC Linux Chrome Windows Firefox Edge and Safari among others.

Example of CSS to LESS

CSS Try it.

.combo {
  color: #333333;
  border: 1px solid red;
.combo .marked {
  font-weight: bold;
p {
  font-size: 200px;
  color: #333333;
  border: 1px solid red;
p .marked {
  font-weight: bold;

Converted LESS

// Color variables (appears count calculates by raw css)
@color0: #333333; // Appears 2 times

.combo {
	border: 1px solid red;
	color: @color0;
	.marked {
		font-weight: bold;
p {
	border: 1px solid red;
	color: @color0;
	font-size: 200px;
	.marked {
		font-weight: bold;

For Advanced Users

CSS External URL

Load CSS External URL in Browser URL like this https://www.fancytextconverter.com/css-to-less-converter?url=external-url


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