
NTLM Hash Generator

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Size : 0 , 0 Characters

NTLM HASH Generator Online

NTLM HASH Generator works to generate an NTLM hash that can be used to secure 32 char as Windows LAN Manager Password. The NTLM HASH encoder can easily generate 32 characters of NTLM HASH string which can not be reversible based solely on NTLM hashing. Here’s a list of simple steps on how to generate an NTLM hash.

How to Generate NTLM Hash

Simply enter the plain text Click on “Generate NTLM HASH Online” Copy the generated NTLM hash and you are done.

What is NTLM HASH?

NTLM is a part of MD4 of the little-endian UTF-16 Unicode Password. It is simply a challenge-response authentication protocol that makes use of secret keys to give strong authentication for both parties NTLM Hahes are characterized by NTLM algorithms. The NTLM algorithm is an extension of the LM algorithm originally developed by Stanford University Students; Don Coppersmith and Ralph Merkle in 1973. NTLM encryption is mostly used in digital networks as well as storage systems.

Example of NTLM HASH

Plain data text Progressive NTLM HASH generated data 5AA696A052996BBD8EED29CBF603367

Example of NTLM Hash

Plain data Try it.


Output: Generated NTLM Hash


For Advanced Users

External URL

Load External URL in Browser URL like this https://www.fancytextconverter.com/ntlm-hash-generator?url=external-url

Data as Parameter

Load Data in Browser URL input like this https://www.fancytextconverter.com/ntlm-hash-generator?input=inputdata
